Sunday, February 15, 2015

Christmas Gits 2014: Part 1

Já se passaram quase 2 meses desde o Natal (para onde voa o tempo?!), mas não queria deixar de vos mostrar algumas das coisas que fiz para oferecer à família e aos amigos.
Já andava com vontade de fazer este projecto há algum tempo e pareceu-me uma prenda óptima.
E a verdade é que estes sabonetes caseiros foram a prenda mais popular do Natal passado.

Foram muito fáceis e rápidos de fazer.
Encomendei as bases e os óleos essenciais na net e usei formas para cupcakes, tartes e chocolates.
Pena que os que foram feitos com as formas de chocolate tenham ficado tão fofinhos, porque toda a gente me diz que não dá vontade nenhuma de usar... Conseguem adivinhar quais foram?

It's been almost 2 months since Christmas (where does time fly?!), but I didn't want to keep from showing you some of the things I made to offer as presents for my family and friends.
I'd been wanting to have a go at making this project for a while and it seemed to be a great idea for a gift.
And truth be told: these handmade soaps were the most popular gift from last Christmas.

These were really easy and quick to make.
I ordered the bases and oils online and used cupcake, pie and chocolate molds.
Too bad the ones I used the chocolate molds for turned out so cute, because everyone keeps telling me they don't want to use them... Can you guess which ones I'm talking about?

Comprei base de glicerina e base de leite de cabra e utilizei vários óleos: hortelã, laranja, limão, lavanda...
Para além dos óleos essenciais, também utilizei ingredientes frescos.
As misturas que fiz foram à base de citrinos: usei limão (a raspa), baunilha (as sementes), laranja (também só a raspa) e folhas de hortelã nos que fiz com a base de glicerina.
O ingrediente comum foram as sementes de papoila, para os tornar exfoliantes.

I got glycerine and goat milk bases and used a lot of different oils: peppermint, orange, lemon, lavender...
Besides the essential oils, I also used fresh ingredients.
The combinations I made were all citrus based: I used lemon (the zest), vanilla (the seeds), orange (again, just the zest) and spearmint leaves for the glycerine ones.
The common ingredient were the poppy seeds, which I added as the exfoliating factor.

Adorei a experiência e mal posso esperar por fazer mais e quem sabe aventurar-me no campo dos corantes naturais...

I absolutely loved making these and can't wait to make some more and maybe venture into the field of natural dyes...

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